Sunday 27 April 2008

Year 13 preparation for exams

Hi all of you

We are rapidly approaching the exams and you need to be stepping up your work rate considerably now. You should be doing about 30-45 mins a day of study on Psychology. You need to identify which bits of the syllabus you will focus on (all the stuff you have done with Mrs Davis for Module 4 and then you need to choose for Module 5)

Module 5 choices
Are you learning disorders or therapies?
Are you learning Issues or Debates?

For the next 2 or 3 weeks we will be concentrating on the final question - the approaches section. You will need to go over the different approaches and know how to apply them We'll be beginning this week with the behaviour. All this is revision - there is nothing new now.

Don't forget to use the past papers from the AQA website. Also, of you have resit coursework, get it to me on time - you should have collected your results by now and be writing the report.

Happy revising
Ms Moore

Year 12 revision

OK guys

The syllabus is complete and the exams are just 3 weeks away. This is the time to really press on with your revision. If you are resitting module 1 you need to be revising Memory and Attachment. Look back at previous posts on this blog for help.
You all need to be working on module 2 - Stress and Individual Differences (abnormality) and module 3 - Social Influence and Research Methods. Remember that you need to revise theories and research, especially the key studies that we have looked at and you need to practise and practise and practise when it comes to exams so use the AQA website - there is a link on the blog and which is the only online revision site with AS psychology.

Keep working!

Ms Moore