Thursday 25 September 2008


Schizophrenia has many forms and a range of possible causes. Year 13 have an essay to write about the psychological causes of schizophrenia. You may find the following links useful as additional reading, providing helpful A02 material.

Try to also look at the biological causes of schizophrenia to fund arguments against psychological causes.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Year 12 Investigation

Dear all

I hope your report writing is going well. You need to do some research about the Eysenck Personality Inventory which you can find at the following Wikipedia link:

You can also find information about the NEO personality inventory at:

and the Myers Brigg personality test at:

There will be other links from these pages to useful information. Please remember that you need to read the pages and make sense of them and then write in your own words rather than just cutting and pasting info - I can tell when you have done that so please don't!

Have a look at some of the coursework links (lower down on the blog) as these will help you to write the report.

Ms Moore

Tuesday 16 September 2008

What I have learnt so far...

I have learnt about Freaud's theory about the Id, Superego and Ego and how the ego balances out the two. I have also learnt about the five main approaches in psychology.

so far ...

i have learned the five main approaches to psychology, and how to do a good presentation in front of the class, i have also learned things about freud, such as the unconscious can be tapped into when we dream.

Monday 15 September 2008

What i have learnt so far.

In A-level pyschology i have learnt the following

-The 5 approaches to pyschology.

-how to perform a high standard presentation, also how to improve my pressentation skills.

Sunday 14 September 2008

what i have learnt so far in psychology

i have only had a few lessons, but so far i have learnt the five main approaches in psychology (behaviourist, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive and physiological) and also the different types of psychologists (what they do, who they work with and what qualifications are needed). From this i learnt what each area of psychology has in common. I learnt this from other people's presentations which also helped us improve our own presentation skills and know what is needed to make a good presentation.

what i learnt

in our last psycoligy i learnt about how diverse psycoligy and how many routes there are to go down of you beome a spycologist. I also learnt what it takes to become any kind of psycologist.and what ammount of xcommitment and drive you must have.

what i've learnt so far...

So far, i have learnt the 5 main approaches to Psychology such as the behaivourist approach, the cognitive approach and the physiological approach. I know what each of them mean and how each one would help soemone in everyday life.

what i have learnt so far...

the different approaches needed to set me up for the course in psychology..

what i have learnt so far

so far in A-level pyschology i have learnt a lot of things that i hadn't known before taking the course.

things such as;

-the 5 main approaches to pyschology and what they are:
*Behaviourist approach
*Social Cultural approach
*Cognitive approach
*Psychodynamic approach
*Humanistic approach
-a time line of when developments in pyschology were made
-how to present a good presentation, although this is not so much on the pyschology side of things, but it helps to connect to the people you are talking to

so far that is just a summarize of what i have learnt within my lessons.