Thursday 28 February 2008

Psychological ways of controlling stress

We have looked at two main theories and techniques - Stress inoculation training and Hardiness training. You might be interested in the links below.

The first one is how athletes can use SIT to help them to get into the zone and stay focused when under stress. It helps then to earn how to 'inoculate' their stress, and take mental charge of their performances. I think it might help explain some of the differences between SIT and Hardiness training. The link is:

The second one is a coaching website offering hardiness training - should give some insight into what this is. The link is

Finally there is a link here to a very useful revision guide to unit 2 - it comes from Psychade (the link can be found in the list of links on the right hand side of the blog) and I think you'll find other modules summaries there too.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

How does exercise help to reduce stress?

Hi all

Jody asked the question above in today's lesson. For something of an answer, try

You might also like to google 'ways to reduce stress' and check out one of the many links that you are given. Look for things on exercise, drugs, biofeedback, stress innoculation therapy and hardiness training.

Perhaps you could post the links to your favourite sites on the blog.

Ms Moore

PS don't forget we have a lesson this Friday.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Help with the synoptic unit for year 13

These links will take you to some important stuff on paper 5. They come from another online resource which you can register on for free. I like their stuff so you might like to get online with them. Also year 12 might find it useful

Synoptic paper links:

The Psychology Online Classroom:

I think you will all find these useful. And by the way the online classroom link also has Sociology, RE, Health and Social Care and Sports Studies/PE. You might like to tell your teachers about it too!
If I don't see you tomorrow, have a great half term, get up to date with your work and see you in a week's time
Ms Moore

Monday 4 February 2008

Gender differences and Psychology

Both year 12 and year 13 are looking at gender difference this week. What do you think are the significant differences between men and woman? Are they genetic or caused by conditioning? Can we ignore gender or must we take it into account?

The link below is about how men and women cope differently with stress. It has a beta bias as it recognises clear differences in men and women.

The articles below are all about gender differences and psychology (more for year 13 although very interesting reading for all of you)

These all make interesting reading and should widen your understanding of gender bias in Psychology