Sunday 14 September 2008

what i have learnt so far

so far in A-level pyschology i have learnt a lot of things that i hadn't known before taking the course.

things such as;

-the 5 main approaches to pyschology and what they are:
*Behaviourist approach
*Social Cultural approach
*Cognitive approach
*Psychodynamic approach
*Humanistic approach
-a time line of when developments in pyschology were made
-how to present a good presentation, although this is not so much on the pyschology side of things, but it helps to connect to the people you are talking to

so far that is just a summarize of what i have learnt within my lessons.


amy.frewin:) said...

I have learnt..
That there are many different approaches to psychology and that there are many different areas that you can work in, within psychology itself. By completing the presentation task i have also learnt how to produce a good presentation and also evaluate other peoples work.

Heather :) said...

What I have learnt so far in Psychology.
There are six different approaches to psychology:
1. The Humanist Approach-This approach empasises the personal worth of the individual and focuses on the human capacity to overcome hardship, pain and despair. It was proposed by Rogers and maslow in a hierachy system.

2. The Cognitive Approach-This approach revolves around the mind and involves studying how people think to find out what makes them experience various emotions.

3. The Behaviourist Approach-This approach focuses on the influence of the environment on people. It also looks at how learning and experience determine the kind of person you become. It was proposed by Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike.

4. The Psychodynamic Approach-This approach is based on the principle of moral struggle especially the unconscious mind. It was proposed by Sigmund Freud who said that the mind had three parts: Id, Ego and Superego.

5. The Biological Approach-This approach is mainly the study of life including genes and how these factors can have an effect on a person's behaviour.

6. The Social/Cultural Approach-This Approach focuses on how cultural and social traditions can affect a person's behaviour.

Finally, I have learnt how to present my work in front of my peers and also how I could improve in the way I present.