Tuesday 20 November 2007

Flashbulb Memories

Do you remember what you were doing when you heard about the explosion at Buncefield? Maybe you were woken by the explosion? Can you remember how you felt, what you did that day and who you spoke to? If you close your eyes, can you see, sense, smell and relive the experience of it all. Some psychologists call this Flashbulb Memory - the vivid memory that forms that a picture lit up by a flashbulb when a photo is taken. The memories that form are 'burnt' into our long term store and are very easily recalled. And it is not just world events like 9/11, 7/7, the assassination of JFK, Martin Luther King or Bobby Kennedy, the wedding of Charles and Diana and also the death of Diana and her funeral, but also personal events like the birth of a child, the death of a parent or spouse, your own wedding and other life changing and important events.

However, more recent research has cast doubt on the theory. To read more about this go to:



alex said...
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Ms H Moore said...

This sounds like a fantastic idea - maybe you should do some research into it!!
Thanks for your contribution - keep thinking up ideas.

alex said...

Hey miss,
i dont know if this is a theory against flashbulb memories or if i just made it up but isn't a flashbulb memory like an episodic cue, because a person can only recall what happened on a specific day after they think about the event (the cue)and they only remember what happens to them specifically (episodic) ... can u correct me if i'm wrong because at the moment i am not a strongbeliever in the flashbulb theory.