Friday 30 November 2007

Mock Exams

As we near the end of term and impending exams, you will be taking mock exams to prepare you. If you are in year 12, your mock is on the 11th December in your lesson. If you are in year 13, your mock is in my double lesson with you in the final week of term (Monday 17th December).
The year 12 mock will cover everything we have studied on both memory and attachment (Ms Moore and Mrs Davies' work). It will last for one hour and follow the format of the real exam in January.
The year 13 mock will cover relationships & pro & antisocial behaviour from Mrs Davies' work, and all the work on psychological abnormality that you have done with Ms Moore, including disorders, causes and explanations, and therapies.

I have also added a vote to this blog so that you can tell me when is the best time for a couple of revision lessons. Please vote - I would like to try to find the best time!

Happy revising

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