Wednesday 26 December 2007

Cupboard Love

Just had lots of presents? Did it make you nicer to your friends and family in the weeks leading up to Christmas in the hope of getting more presents? This is the principle of cupboard love.

Learning theory suggests that we develop attachments to our caregivers because of the food they give us - the Cupboard Love theory. A good criticism of this is the study by Harlow and Harlow on baby Rhesus monkeys. They became attached to the model mothers that were soft and cuddly, not the wire 'mummies' with food. How might you criticise the model and the study by Harlow and Harlow?

To revise the development of and types of attachment go to:

And just like the end of Stictly Come Dancing when Tess and Brucie tell us to 'Keeeeeep dancing!' , remember that I need you to 'Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Revising'!

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