Thursday 3 January 2008

How's your revision going?

Less than a week to go now before the exams on the 10th January. Are you working away at your revision and doing lots of timed practice questions?

Test yourself against the following:

Can you describe and evaluate a study for STM for duration, for capacity and for encoding?
Can you describe and evaluate one study for LTM for duration and for encoding?
Can you explain and evaluate the multistore model (Atkinson and Shiffrin)?
Can you also describe and evaluate at least one other model (either working memory or levels of processing)?
Can you explain and evaluate decay and displacement as theories of forgetting in STM and decay, interference and retrieval failure in LTM?
Can you explain the role of emotion in LTM both in terms of remembering (Flashbulb memories) and forgetting (repression)
Can you explain what is meant by EWT and why it is unreliable? Do you know the work of Elizabeth Loftus and the criticisms that have been made of it? Can you describe and explain the significance of the cognitive interview?

If you can answer yes to all the above, then you have learnt memory well!

Can you describe and explain Bowlby's theory of attachment?
Do you know what is meant by securely attached, insecure avoidant and insecure resistant?
What is separation anxiety?
Can you describe and explain Margaret Ainsworth's research 'the strange situation'?
Can you explain what was found when this method was used all over the world?
Can you explain and evaluate 2 theories of the formation of attachment?
Do you know what is meant by deprivation, privation and separation?
Can you describe and explain Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation and his research '44 Juvenile Thieves'?
Can you also describe and evaluate the study by Hodges and Tizard on instituionalised boys?
What do you know about the Czech twins and Geni?
Do you also know the work of Robertson on separation?
Can you describe the effects of daycare on social and cognitive development? What studies do you know that support daycare and what studies suggest that daycare is harmful to a child's development?

Again, if you can answer all of the above, you must be doing you revision well.

Keep working hard and practising those questions! :-)

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