Wednesday 9 January 2008

Exams tomorrow

Just a quick message to you all, both year 12 and year 13, to wish the success you deserve tomorrow in the exams. You will have done lots of revision now and the chance of doing anything more than refreshing your memory has passed now. Tonight you could usefully just go over your revision sumaries and then have a look at a few exam questions. If possible, it is a good idea to go to bed at your normal time and get up as usual too (assuming this isn't very late in either case).

Just a last reminder about good A02 material. You need to do 3 things in A02, each time you make a criticism:
  • State the criticism (this study has low ecological validity)
  • Justify the criticism (because other studies did not support its findings)
  • Explain the criticism (which means that it cannot be generalised to all situations)
Make sure when you are asked to discuss or analyse or evaluate theories or studies that you give both positive and negative criticisms so that you get a balance. You also need to ensure that your 18 mark answers are about 1/3 A01 and 2/3 A02.

Finally, using the principals of retrieval failure and Beck's positive Psychology, if you feel that your mind haas gone blank in the exam, close your eyes and visualise yourself in G6 where you have your Psychology lessons. Look around mentally and imagine the room, the posters and the experiences. You will gain the confidence that you have in lessons and be in a similar state to when you are successful. Tell yourself that you will do well and then you will be in a positive mental attitude for the exam!

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